
Why Windows lost to Mac

Posted in ひと, ウィンドウズ by shiro on 2013年3月6日


Why Windows lost to Mac | Scripting News

Back to 2005, the first thing I noticed about the white Mac laptop, that aside from being a really nice computer, there was no malware. In 2005, Windows was a horror. Once a virus got on your machine, that was pretty much it. And Microsoft wasn’t doing much to stop the infestation. For a long time they didn’t even see it as their problem. In retrospect, it was the computer equivalent of Three Mile Island or Chernobyl.

Malware, Too | Daring Fireball

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Dave Winer が iPad mini はダメだと考えるこれだけの理由

Posted in アップル, タブレット by shiro on 2012年11月13日

Is the iPad Mini the Beginning of Apple’s Decline? | Gizmodo

By the way, this is why the orchestrated reviews of products are often worthless. I invite Mossberg, Pogue or Gruber to re-review their iPad Mini now, a week after their initial reviews, and let us know if they’re actually using it. And if they still think it’s a winner. I believe it’s not only not a winner, but it signals a new Apple that’s no longer beyond compare, no longer insisting on delighting its users to the point of orgasm.

iPad mini、それはアップル終焉の始まりなのか? | ギズモード・ジャパン

Dave Winer on the iPad Mini | Daring Fireball

I completely stand behind mine, and still have barely even used the iPad 4 I have on loan from Apple. Winer seems to agree with me that the ideal iPad is one which doesn’t yet exist (but surely will): a Mini with a 2048 × 1536 retina display. In the meantime, we have to choose: big iPad with sharp retina display, or small iPad with a fuzzy one. I’ve gone small and fuzzy.

I stand by my iPad mini review | The Loop

Dave didn’t ask, but I stand by my review and I’m still using my iPad mini.

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あとで読むとか RSS なんて無意味だ・・・

Posted in ソーシャルネットワーク by shiro on 2010年9月18日


I Love RSS

How to reboot RSS | Scripting News


[…] the Google Reader approach is wrong, it isn’t giving you what’s new — and that’s all that matters in news.

Succinctly put — news is about what’s new — and that’s it.

Why does Twitter work better for news than Google Reader? Simple, Twitter gives you what’s new now. You don’t have to hunt around to find the newest stuff. And it doesn’t waste your time by telling you how many unread items you have. Who cares. (It’s like asking how many NYT articles you haven’t read. It would be gargantuan. I don’t bother you with the number of Scripting News posts you haven’t read, so why does Google?)

Anil Dash: Unread counts have always … | Twitter

Unread counts have always sucked, @davewiner is right. But sadly, on iOS devices they’re the only thing you can add to an icon.

Dave Winer on Unread Counts | Daring Fireball


Posted in ソフト開発, プラットフォーム by shiro on 2010年8月22日


Dave Winer

Throwing out software that works | Scripting News

〈Marco Arment の意見について・・・〉

We’re entering an era of deliberate degradation of the user experience and throwing overboard of software that works, for corporate reasons.

What I want is the convenient form factor without the corporate filter.

It’s way too simplistic to believe that we’ll get that, but we had it. That’s what I don’t like — deliberate devolution.