
These days, Apple is more like a fashion label than an electronics company

Posted in ひと, アップル by shiro on 2013年9月13日


The iPhones of Fall | The Atlantic

Ian Bogost:

For Apple, “change” no longer refers to revolution. It refers to fashion. Apple is becoming more like Prada and less like Edison.

This has been the case for some time, it was just harder to notice as the iPhone was undergoing large-scale adoption. But in retrospect, Steve Jobs’s keynotes functioned more like catwalks than like product demos. And the Apple Store has always been a boutique as much as an electronics shop.

These days, Apple is more like a fashion label than an electronics company | Quartz

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Dave Winer が iPad mini はダメだと考えるこれだけの理由

Posted in アップル, タブレット by shiro on 2012年11月13日

Is the iPad Mini the Beginning of Apple’s Decline? | Gizmodo

By the way, this is why the orchestrated reviews of products are often worthless. I invite Mossberg, Pogue or Gruber to re-review their iPad Mini now, a week after their initial reviews, and let us know if they’re actually using it. And if they still think it’s a winner. I believe it’s not only not a winner, but it signals a new Apple that’s no longer beyond compare, no longer insisting on delighting its users to the point of orgasm.

iPad mini、それはアップル終焉の始まりなのか? | ギズモード・ジャパン

Dave Winer on the iPad Mini | Daring Fireball

I completely stand behind mine, and still have barely even used the iPad 4 I have on loan from Apple. Winer seems to agree with me that the ideal iPad is one which doesn’t yet exist (but surely will): a Mini with a 2048 × 1536 retina display. In the meantime, we have to choose: big iPad with sharp retina display, or small iPad with a fuzzy one. I’ve gone small and fuzzy.

I stand by my iPad mini review | The Loop

Dave didn’t ask, but I stand by my review and I’m still using my iPad mini.

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Where The iPad Mini Fits On My Digital Tool Belt

Posted in アップル, タブレット by shiro on 2012年11月4日

Where The iPad Mini Fits On My Digital Tool Belt | TechCrunch

Happy iPad mini day. Since my review a few days ago, by far the number one question I’ve been asked about the device is: how does it fit into my life? Do I really need another iPad — let alone a smaller, less powerful one with a non-retina screen? Will I use it alongside the regular iPad? What about alongside a MacBook? Instead of those devices?

デジタルライフスタイル:MG Siegler の場合 | maclalala2

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