
Dave Winer が iPad mini はダメだと考えるこれだけの理由

Posted in アップル, タブレット by shiro on 2012年11月13日

Is the iPad Mini the Beginning of Apple’s Decline? | Gizmodo

By the way, this is why the orchestrated reviews of products are often worthless. I invite Mossberg, Pogue or Gruber to re-review their iPad Mini now, a week after their initial reviews, and let us know if they’re actually using it. And if they still think it’s a winner. I believe it’s not only not a winner, but it signals a new Apple that’s no longer beyond compare, no longer insisting on delighting its users to the point of orgasm.

iPad mini、それはアップル終焉の始まりなのか? | ギズモード・ジャパン

Dave Winer on the iPad Mini | Daring Fireball

I completely stand behind mine, and still have barely even used the iPad 4 I have on loan from Apple. Winer seems to agree with me that the ideal iPad is one which doesn’t yet exist (but surely will): a Mini with a 2048 × 1536 retina display. In the meantime, we have to choose: big iPad with sharp retina display, or small iPad with a fuzzy one. I’ve gone small and fuzzy.

I stand by my iPad mini review | The Loop

Dave didn’t ask, but I stand by my review and I’m still using my iPad mini.

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