

Posted in 原発事故 by shiro on 2012年7月5日

Japanese Commission Calls Fukushima Nuclear Crisis a ‘Man-Made’ Disaster |

The report reserved its most damning language for its criticism of a culture in Japan that suppresses dissent and outside opinion, which might have prompted changes to the country’s lax nuclear controls.

“What must be admitted, very painfully, is that this was a disaster ‘Made in Japan,’ ” Mr. Kurokawa said. “Its fundamental causes are to be found in the ingrained conventions of Japanese culture: our reflexive obedience; our reluctance to question authority; our devotion to ‘sticking with the program’; our groupism; and our insularity.”

Shuya Nomura, a commission member and a professor at the Chuo Law School, said the report had tried to “shed light on Japan’s wider structural problems, on the pus that pervades Japanese society.” He added, “This report contains hints on how Japanese society needs to change.”

Line Between Japanese Regulators, Regulated Blurred in Nuclear Accident |

福島原発事故は「人災」=官邸介入で被害拡大―国会事故調が報告書 | WSJ日本版

Japan says Fukushima disaster was ‘man-made’ | Al Jazeera English

Panel Blames Negligence for Fukushima Disaster |

福島原発事故は規制当局と事業者のもたれ合いによる人災=国会事故調 | WSJ日本版

国会事故調 記者会見(原発事故調査報告書) |


Posted in ドキュメンタリー, 原発事故, 放射能汚染 by shiro on 2011年7月6日

犠牲者ー事故処理作業者(リクビダートル)の知られざる現実 1/2‬‏ | YouTube

The Sacrifice
Emanuela Andreoli、Wladimir Tchertkoff 監督
Feldat Film (Switzerland) 制作(2003 年)

1986年4月に旧ソ連で起きた史上最悪のチェルノブイリ原子力発電所事故。百万人の労働者がその事故処理に狩り出された。放射性物質、放射線の危険性を全く知らされずに 作業したため、強い放射線を浴び、放射性物質を体の中に取り込んでしまった作業者達。健康を害し、亡くなってゆく彼らに医療は為すすべを知らない。 地震大国日本で同様、あるいはこれ以上の事故が起きないと誰が言えるだろうか?

犠牲者ー事故処理作業者(リクビダートル)の知られざる現実 2/2 | YouTube


Posted in ひと, 原発事故, 放射能汚染 by shiro on 2011年7月3日


110630「武田邦彦×岩上安身」 |[iwakamiyasumi2]


Posted in 米国, 軍事, 原発事故 by shiro on 2011年6月21日

Marines waited on a landing craft on April 1 off northeastern Japan

Nuclear-Plant Disaster Offers Military Lessons |

米軍、日本での原発危機対応で貴重な教訓得る | WSJ 日本版

CAMP S.D. BUTLER, Japan—Japan has become an unlikely laboratory for the U.S. to study modern warfare after the March nuclear accident created conditions like those the military could face if a terror group set off a “dirty” radiological bomb.


“What Tomodachi is probably going to be best known for…is…operations in the radioactive environment,” said Lt. Col. Damien Marsh, commander of Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 265, which was involved in the operation.


It was the first time Marine aircraft had operated in a radiologically contaminated environment, and Lt. Col. Marsh emphasized the “strategic value” of the experience. In the future, he told the visiting commandant, Gen. James Amos, “it’s not hard to believe that we could be responding someplace involving a disaster at a nuclear power plant, dirty bombs or terrorism.”


静かに立ち去った米軍 | maclalala2


Posted in 原発事故, 放射能汚染 by shiro on 2011年6月21日


「もはや地球上に、この汚染から逃れられる場所はない」小出裕章(週刊現代7/2号) | 小出裕章 (京大助教) 非公式まとめ



Posted in 原発事故, 放射能汚染 by shiro on 2011年6月20日


Posted in 原発事故, 放射能汚染 by shiro on 2011年6月19日

[汚染水浄化システム | Photo

Tepco Halts Filtering of Tainted Water at Japanese Plant |

Filtering Water at Fukushima Nuclear Plant in Japan |

The new filtration system still faces many hurdles. The companies operating it, including Areva from France and Kurion from the United States, have little experience working with seawater. And Tepco must still dispose of the radioactive material that is being sifted out of the wastewater; it is mixed with a chemical agent to create a toxic sludge.

汚染水浄化、5時間で停止=装置で高線量、放射能の泥か-1週間以内の再開目指す | 時事ドットコム

【緊急提言】小出裕章さん 高濃度汚染水の処理方法 | YouTube

UN nuclear report shows Japan safety flaws | Al Jazeera English


Posted in 米国, 軍事, 原発事故, 放射能汚染 by shiro on 2011年6月18日

Dark Circle | Vimeo

1982年のアメリカ映画。サンダンス映画祭・国際エミー賞受賞作。 1980年代、世界的規模で保有されるプルトニウムの驚異を、女性作家のアーヴィングが綿密な取材と多くの資料をもとに作り上げたドキュメンタリー。

ダーク・サークルと夢-赤富士:Dark Circle and Mount Fuji in Red | Long Tail World


Posted in 原発事故, 映画 by shiro on 2011年6月18日

Mount Fuji In Red | YouTube

Another Dream

黒澤 明『夢』ー赤富士ーより | Rico’s Room2

IAEA の専門家はどんな報告をしたか

Posted in 原発事故 by shiro on 2011年6月2日

IAEA Expert Mission to Japan: Preliminary Summary | IAEA
IAEA調査団暫定的要旨(仮訳) | 外務省
〈IAEA 調査団報告書の全文〉

The results of this mission will be reported to the IAEA Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety at IAEA headquarters in Vienna from 20-24 June 2011. This is a preliminary summary report to provide immediate feedback to the Government of Japan.


• The Japanese Government, nuclear regulators and operators have been extremely open in sharing information and answering the many questions of the mission to assist the world in learning lessons to improve nuclear safety.


• The response on the site by dedicated, determined and expert staff, under extremely arduous conditions has been exemplary and resulted in the best approach to securing safety given the exceptional circumstances. This has been greatly assisted by highly professional back-up support, especially the arrangements at J-Village to secure the protection of workers going on sites.

・非常に困難な状況下において,サイトの運転員による非常に献身的で強い決意を持つ専門的対応は模範的であり,非常事態を考慮すれば,結果的に安全を確保する上で最善のアプローチとなった。 これは,非常に高度な専門的な後方支援,就中,サイトで活動している作業員の安全を確保するためのJビレッジにおける対応が大きな助けとなっている。[外務省仮訳]

• The Japanese Government’s longer term response to protect the public, including evacuation, has been impressive and extremely well organized. A suitable and timely follow-up programme on public and worker exposures and health monitoring would be beneficial.


• The tsunami hazard for several sites was underestimated. Nuclear designers and operators should appropriately evaluate and provide protection against the risks of all natural hazards, and should periodically update these assessments and assessment methodologies in light of new information, experience and understanding.


International Fact-Finding Mission Updates | IAEA

IAEA 問題点の詳細分析へ | NHKニュース

IAEA報告案 組織の「限界」が露呈した[社説] | 新潟日報社

6月1日 IAEAの本当の意図 小出裕章 (MBS) | 小出裕章 (京大助教) 非公式まとめ