
iPad mini 意外な問題点

Posted in アップル, タブレット by shiro on 2013年2月8日


iPad mini 意外な問題点 | 国道357号線(MacintoshとiPadのある生活を)

Why User experience is immersive & pervasive

Posted in 航空 by shiro on 2013年1月17日


Why User experience is immersive & pervasive | Om Malik

Today, I am flying on America Airlines and then Air Berlin to Berlin. It has been less than two hours and I can already tell the gulf between Virgin and American.

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Posted in ソフト開発, プラットフォーム by shiro on 2010年8月22日


Dave Winer

Throwing out software that works | Scripting News

〈Marco Arment の意見について・・・〉

We’re entering an era of deliberate degradation of the user experience and throwing overboard of software that works, for corporate reasons.

What I want is the convenient form factor without the corporate filter.

It’s way too simplistic to believe that we’ll get that, but we had it. That’s what I don’t like — deliberate devolution.