
Is the Internet a Mob Without Consequence?

Posted in インターネット, ツイッター, 炎上 by shiro on 2013年12月28日


Is the Internet a Mob Without Consequence? |

This all happened while Ms. Sacco was on a 12-hour flight without Wi-Fi to Africa. When she landed, it was game over. She deleted her entire social footprint online, including her Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, and was fired from her job, effective 12 hours earlier.

This Is How A Woman’s Offensive Tweet Became The World’s Top Story | BuzzFeed

Justine Sacco and the tweet heard around the world — when public shaming metastasizes into an angry mob | GigaOM

The Internet: A Mob Without Consequence | Daring Fireball

Justine Sacco And The Self-Inflicted Perils Of Twitter (Jeff Bercovici/Forbes) | Techmeme

失言ツイート炎上で即解雇、米メディア企業の広報部長 | AFPBB News

At Google Conference, Cameras Even in the Bathroom

Posted in ひと, イベント, ウェアラブルコンピュータ, グーグル by shiro on 2013年5月19日


At Google Conference, Cameras Even in the Bathroom |

At the Google I/O developer conference, hundreds of people were wearing Google Glass, the company’s Internet-connected glasses.

Blinking or Winking, as They Relieved Themselves’ | Daring Fireball

I/Overload? | TechCrunch

Even Google’s Own Developers Won’t Be Seen Wearing Google Glass | Co.Design

どこもかしこもグーグルグラス・・・ | maclalala2

On Facebook, Sharing Can Come at a Cost

Posted in ソーシャルネットワーク, フェイスブック by shiro on 2013年3月4日


On Facebook, Sharing Can Come at a Cost |

広告主義に舵を切った Facebook・・・

This may be great news for advertisers, but I felt slightly duped. I’ve stayed on Facebook after its repeated privacy violations partly because I foolishly believed there was some sort of democratic approach to sharing freely with others. The company persuaded us to share under that premise and is now turning it inside out by requiring us to pay for people to see what we post.

Facebook’s News Feed, A Skittish Gift Horse | TechCrunch

Facebookのニュースフィードは、あてにならない贈り物 | TechCrunch Japan

Other Reasons Nick Bilton Seeing FB Decline | Elapsed Time

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