
Why we can’t quite seem to make up our minds about Google

Posted in イベント, グーグル by shiro on 2013年5月20日


Why we can’t quite seem to make up our minds about Google | GigaOM

We admire Google. We’re impressed by Google’s accomplishments. But we’re wary of Google’s relentless ambition and its at-times curious thoughts about our world.

At Google Conference, Cameras Even in the Bathroom

Posted in ひと, イベント, ウェアラブルコンピュータ, グーグル by shiro on 2013年5月19日


At Google Conference, Cameras Even in the Bathroom |

At the Google I/O developer conference, hundreds of people were wearing Google Glass, the company’s Internet-connected glasses.

Blinking or Winking, as They Relieved Themselves’ | Daring Fireball

I/Overload? | TechCrunch

Even Google’s Own Developers Won’t Be Seen Wearing Google Glass | Co.Design

どこもかしこもグーグルグラス・・・ | maclalala2

Welcome to Google Island

Posted in ひと, イベント, グーグル by shiro on 2013年5月18日


Welcome to Google Island |


The soft, froggy voice startled me. I turned around to face an approaching figure. It was Larry Page, naked, save for a pair of eyeglasses.

Welcome to Google Island’ | John Moltz’s Very Nice Web Site

Mat Honan visits Google’s utopia. Not creepy at all.

Welcome to Google Island |

Larry Page Wants Earth To Have A Mad Scientist Island | TechCrunch