

Posted in バックアップ by shiro on 2014年5月25日
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iPad mini Review – AnandTech

Posted in アップル, タブレット, レビュー by shiro on 2012年11月23日

iPad mini Review | AnandTech

In my first week with the iPad mini, it quickly became the iPad I actually wanted to carry around. The mini’s form factor is really where all of the innovation is. It’s thin, light and an almost perfect balance of functional screen size and portability. I really love this form factor. In my life, a tablet is really an augmentive device rather than something that takes the place of a larger notebook. As such, I actually want something even more portable than the current Retina iPad and the mini delivers just that. It’s small enough that I don’t mind taking it with me, and it retains nearly all of what made the iPad such a great consumption device. I say nearly all because there are some definite tradeoffs when moving to the smaller display. Mainly all UI elements shrink in size, which can be a bit annoying when tapping small widgets (especially at the corners of the display). There’s always something to be given up in pursuit of ultimate portability.

A Retina mini? | AnandTech

None of these options is particularly enticing for Apple, especially given the low (for Apple), starting price for the iPad mini. If you’re expecting next year’s mini to have a Retina Display, I wouldn’t hold your breath.

AnandTech Doubtful on Chances for Retina iPad Mini Next Year | Daring Fireball

I feel certain the Mini will go retina, and that when it does, it will do so exactly like all previous iOS devices: same physical size, double the pixel resolution. The only question is when. The iPhone went retina in the fourth generation; the full-size iPad in the third. Seems like too much to ask for the Mini to do so in its second.

Retina mini が来年出る可能性は低い:AnandTech | maclalala2

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2-year cadence

Posted in アップル, ウワサ, 予想 by shiro on 2012年9月24日

Preparing for the iPhone Next: Rumors Analyzed | AnandTech

Trends are pretty easy to spot in the table. With the exception of the first iPhone, the industrial design appears to be on a 2-year cadence. The CPU and GPU architectures are also on the same 2-year cadence. From a silicon standpoint even the cellular architecture is trending towards the same 2-year cadence, with a few notable exceptions (e.g. GSM/CDMA iPhone 4 divide).

Based on historical trends alone it’s pretty easy to conclude that we’ll see a 4th generation chassis, a pair of ARM Cortex A9s and a PowerVR SGX 543MP2 under the hood. Add the assumption of LTE (a reasonable one to make) and you have a pretty believable story. It turns out the currently available evidence helps corroborate this, but let’s dig through what’s out there to see how this all fits.

The iPhone 5 Performance Preview | AnandTech

The AnandTech Podcast: Episode 5 | AnandTech

iPhone 5 チップはカスタム A6 SoC | maclalala:link

iPhone 5 チップはカスタム A6 SoC

Posted in アップル, プロセッサ by shiro on 2012年9月16日

AnandTech の Retina MacBook Pro レビュー

Posted in アップル, レビュー by shiro on 2012年6月25日

The next-gen MacBook Pro with Retina Display Review | AnandTech


It’s because all of this that I’m doing something I’ve never done before in an Apple review. We rarely give out Editor’s Choice awards at AnandTech, and I’m quite possibly the stingiest purveyor of them. I feel that being overly generous with awards diminishes their value. In this case, all of the effort Apple has put into bringing a Retina Display to the MacBook Pro is deserving of one.

I’m giving the MacBook Pro with Retina Display our bronze Editor’s Choice award. Making it the first Mac to ever receive one. It would have been a silver had the software story been even stronger (iWork, Mountain Lion, Office and Photoshop being ready at launch would have been a feat worth rewarding). And it would have been a gold had Apple been able to deliver all of that but without sacrificing end-user upgradability. Which brings me to my final point.