
Image Retention on Retina iPad Mini

Posted in アップル, ディスプレイ, iPad by shiro on 2013年11月16日

Apple iPad Mini with sharper display faces delay

Posted in アップル, ウワサ, サプライチェーン, iPad by shiro on 2013年10月3日

A student tries Apple Inc's iPad mini at an electronics store in central Seoul

Apple iPad Mini with sharper display faces delay | Reuters


(Reuters) – Apple Inc will be unable to widely roll out a new version of the iPad Mini with a high-resolution “retina” display this month, people who work in the company’s supply chain said, leaving the gadget without the sharper screen found on rival tablets from Google Inc and Inc.

Retina Display そのもののバラシ

Posted in バラし by shiro on 2012年6月20日
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ん? Retina にするとデータ通信量が増えてネットワークが遅くなる?

Posted in インターネット by shiro on 2012年6月14日

CIOS Beware: New Macbook Pro Will Be a Bandwidth Hog | WSJ

But it may also wreak havoc on CIOs’ networks and connectivity budgets — better quality displays require more network bandwidth, which allows users to increase data consumption. Consider that experts told CIO Journal earlier this year that the new iPad, which includes a Retina display of 2048-by-1536 resolution with 3.1 million pixels, would slow enterprise networks to a crawl and increase data costs from carriers. Now imagine how a Macbook with 5.1 million pixels — two million more than the new iPad — will increase data traffic in office networks.

How does shit like this get posted to the Wall Street Journal? | The Loop

Dumb. Just dumb.

‘CIOS Beware: New Macbook Pro Will Be a Bandwidth Hog’ | Daring Fireball

The “correction” is almost as funny as the original premise. Easily the most jackasstic thing I’ve read this week.