
Apple’s little advertising crisis

Posted in アップル, 広告 by shiro on 2014年4月12日

Phil Schiller Exploded On Apple’s Ad Agency In An Email

Posted in ひと, アップル, 裁判, 戦略 by shiro on 2014年4月8日

Ceding the Crown

Posted in ジャーナリズム, ネガティブ報道 by shiro on 2013年3月16日

Phil Schiller, senior vice president of worldwide marketing at Apple Inc., speaks during the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference 2012 in San Francisco

Ceding the Crown | Daring Fireball

But that’s how news reporters increasingly are treating the state of the industry. The desire for the “Oh, how the mighty Apple has fallen” narrative is so strong that the narrative is simply being stated as fact, evidence to the contrary be damned. It’s reported as true simply because they want it to be true. They’re declaring “The King is dead; long live the King” not because the king has actually died or abdicated the throne, but because they’re bored with the king and want to write a new coronation story.

Ceding the Crown’ | The Loop

Apple’s Schiller blasts Android, Samsung on Galaxy’s eve | Reuters

The marketing chief’s rare attack on a rival, on the eve of the Galaxy S4’s global premier in New York, underscores the extent of the pressure piled upon a company that once stood the undisputed leader of the smartphone arena, but ceded its crown to Samsung in 2012.

An Unforced Error | Daring Fireball

Apple is Losing The War – Of Words | Monday Note

Phil Schiller on Cheap iPhones

Posted in アップル, ウワサ by shiro on 2013年1月11日


Schiller: Despite popularity of cheap smartphones, they won’t be the future of Apple’s products | The Next Web

“At first, non-smartphones were popular in the Chinese market, now cheap smartphones are more popular and non-smartphones are out,” Schiller added later. “Despite the popularity of cheap smartphones, this will never be the future of Apple’s products. In fact, although Apple’s market share of smartphones is just about 20%, we own the 75% of the profit.”

Phil Schiller on Cheap iPhones | Daring Fireball

Phil Schiller Says Apple Wouldn’t Sacrifice Quality for Market Share in a Cheaper iPhone | Mac Rumors

Schiller pokes holes in ‘cheap iPhone’ rumors | The Loop

Cook is the Head, Ive is the Heart, Schiller is the Voice

Posted in ひと, アップル, トップ人事 by shiro on 2012年11月2日

Cook is the Head, Ive is the Heart, Schiller is the Voice はコメントを受け付けていません

Phil Schiller に動きがなかったのはどうして?

Posted in ひと, アップル, トップ人事 by shiro on 2012年10月31日

Too Many Cooks In Cook’s Kitchen? | parislemon

No mention of Phil Schiller. No need. He’s clearly number two in the food chain, I believe.

Whither Phil Schiller? | Daring Fireball

I had the same thought. Tim Cook gets hit by a bus, I think Schiller takes the throne. It’s almost telling that he’s completely unmentioned in today’s announcement, and it’s definitely telling that Cook and Schiller were the only people to appear on stage last week. It’s been reported for a while that Forstall and Jony Ive were not getting along, but I’ve long heard stories that Schiller and Forstall butted heads on numerous occasions.

Phil Schiller に動きがなかったのはどうして? はコメントを受け付けていません

Phil Schiller の本領は?

Posted in ひと, アップル by shiro on 2012年6月10日

Can Phil Schiller Keep Apple Cool? | Businessweek

Steve Jobs always oversaw Apple’s blockbuster product launches, but he was never a one-man show. Phil Schiller, the company’s longtime senior vice president of product marketing, often hammed it up onstage as the lower-brow counterweight to Apple’s cool, polished chief executive officer.

Offstage, Schiller wasn’t a clown but one of Jobs’s most trusted, influential lieutenants. He helped Apple’s late CEO work through the meat-and-potatoes of creating new products: Defining target markets, determining technical specs, setting prices. It was Schiller who came up with the spin-wheel interface on the original iPod, and he was a champion of the iPad when other executives questioned its potential.

Since Jobs’s death in October, perhaps no Apple executive other than CEO Tim Cook is under more pressure to fill the void. Apple declined to make Schiller available for this story, which is based on interviews with more than a dozen former Apple managers, business partners, and industry analysts, most of whom asked to remain anonymous to avoid harming their relationships with the company. Besides helping software chief Scott Forstall and hardware designer Jonathan Ive define new products, Schiller is the steward of Apple’s relationship with app developers. He has taken over all of Apple’s marketing, including a global advertising budget that hit $933 million last year. And he will increasingly be Apple’s public face, a role that should be evident at the company’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference starting on June 11.

Businessweek Profiles Phil Schiller | Daring Fireball

Good piece. It would be very hard to overstate Schiller’s role at Apple. “Marketing” at Apple doesn’t mean what “marketing” means at most companies. If you took the “Marketing” out of Schiller’s title and changed it to “Senior Vice President of Product”, people would have a better sense of his role.

Can Phil Schiller keep Apple cool? | The Loop

Schiller may play the clown onstage but everyone who knows him knows he’s a pitbull when it comes to Apple.

フィル・シラーの本領 | maclalala2

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