
The Real iPad

Posted in アップル, タブレット by shiro on 2012年11月6日

24 Hours With The iPad Mini: This Is The Real iPad | SplatF

My take after spending a bunch of the weekend with the iPad mini: This is the real iPad. With the exception of screen sharpness, everything about it is better than the bigger, “classic” iPad — and screen sharpness won’t be a deal breaker for the vast majority of people.

The Real iPad | Daring Fireball

Another week in, though, and I’m more convinced than even a week ago that the iPad Mini is the best size for most people. It’s last decade’s iPod story all over again.

More Useful and Less Horrible – The Talk Show | Mule Radio Syndicate

これぞ本格的な iPad だ | maclalala2

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Posted in アップル, タブレット by shiro on 2012年11月6日

Retina | Pint Of Code

Figuring out the Retina iPad mini | The Loop

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Where The iPad Mini Fits On My Digital Tool Belt

Posted in アップル, タブレット by shiro on 2012年11月4日

Where The iPad Mini Fits On My Digital Tool Belt | TechCrunch

Happy iPad mini day. Since my review a few days ago, by far the number one question I’ve been asked about the device is: how does it fit into my life? Do I really need another iPad — let alone a smaller, less powerful one with a non-retina screen? Will I use it alongside the regular iPad? What about alongside a MacBook? Instead of those devices?

デジタルライフスタイル:MG Siegler の場合 | maclalala2

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iPad miniが持つ「理想的な電子書籍リーダ」としての可能性と期待感

Posted in アップル, タブレット, 電子書籍 by shiro on 2012年11月4日

iPad miniが持つ「理想的な電子書籍リーダ」としての可能性と期待感 | もとまか日記

正直、iPad miniの用途は「電子書籍リーダ専用」としてしか考えてなくて、これも、最近の電子書籍の盛り上がりがあればこそ、なのは言うまでもない。それがなかったら、多分iPad miniには何の興味も湧かなかったことでしょう。ネットとかアプリならiPhone使った方が手軽で便利そうだし、リビングで家族と共用する端末なら、大きいiPadの方がいい。

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iPad mini のディスプレイは iPad 4 ほどではないが iPad 2 よりずっといい

Posted in アップル, タブレット by shiro on 2012年11月3日
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iPad mini のディスプレイは iPad 4 ほどではないが iPad 2 よりずっといい はコメントを受け付けていません

iPad mini の行列はいつもより少ない?

Posted in アップル, タブレット by shiro on 2012年11月2日

Apple’s iPad Mini Launch Draws Smaller Crowds Than Previous Product Debuts | TechCrunch

The iPad mini officially went on sale today, and the response at physical retail stores has been mixed. Some areas are seeing decent-sized lines, according to Reuters this morning, including Tokyo and Seoul Apple Stores with crowds of 100 or more, but overall, the news organization notes that crowds are smaller than they have been in the past for other launches. The Apple Store in Sydney, for instance, had 50 people in line when it opened compared to a line covering several blocks for the iPhone 5.

iPad miniは行列もミニ:Fewer fans line up for iPad Mini | Long Tail World

Near record turnout for iPad mini in the Big Apple | Fortune Tech

And by 9:56 a.m. — four minutes before the doors finally opened — I counted 801 men, women and children. Only the iPhone 4 (1,300) and iPad 2 (1,190) drew bigger crowds.

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iFixit の iPad Mini Teardown

Posted in アップル, バラし by shiro on 2012年11月2日

iPad Mini Teardown Review | YouTube

iPad Mini Teardown | iFixit

iPad Mini Repairability: 2 out of 10 (10 is easiest to repair).

First iPad mini teardown reveals Samsung display | Reuters

ところで iPad 3 のバラシは: —

iPad 3 Teardown Review | YouTube

iPad 3 4G Teardown | iFixit

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Mini が Retina になったら?

Posted in アップル, タブレット by shiro on 2012年11月2日

Anonymous asked: If the iPad mini is updated to a retina display next year … | parislemon

Anonymous asked: If the iPad mini is updated to a retina display next year, it will have an even higher PPI than the full size iPad. Will this cause any problems with marketing the higher end iPad?

MG: An interesting point, but I doubt Apple would view that as a problem. The focal points of the iPad mini differentiations are size and price. I suspect that will continue.

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Posted in アップル, タブレット by shiro on 2012年11月2日

The Mixture | parislemon

John Gruber: “Both the 11-inch Air and full-size iPad 3/4 make more sense to me as devices for people who only want to carry one portable computer. But if I’m going to carry both, I think it makes more sense to get a bigger MacBook and the smaller iPad Mini.”

I’ve been thinking about this quite a bit the past week. I have been carrying around an iPad (3) and 13-inch MacBook Air for most of the past year. (The Retina 15-inch MacBook Pro is my desktop machine for now.) But I think I’m going to change things up. I think I’m going to go with a 13-inch Retina MacBook Pro (review forthcoming) and the iPad mini in my bag. Power + Portability.

For trips, I think I’ll still just take the regular-size iPad, when all I basically want to do is check the web, do some email, and write. Still thinking all this through though.

一緒に持ち運ぶとしたら? はコメントを受け付けていません

iPad mini レビュー

Posted in アップル, タブレット, レビュー by shiro on 2012年10月31日

The iPad Mini | Daring Fireball [John Gruber]

“Wow, it feels like a Kindle.”

“Ew, the screen is terrible.”

That was my wife’s initial reaction when I handed her the iPad Mini to see what she, an avid daily user of an iPad 3, thought. Her initial reaction matched mine exactly, and perfectly encapsulates the experience. The iPad Mini is not a device you need to spend a lot of time with to understand. My snap reaction from a week ago remains unchanged after a week of daily use.

John Gruber の iPad mini レビュー | maclalala2

     *     *     *

Review: iPad mini | The Loop [Jim Dalrymple]

I was wrong. I have wondered publicly whether or not a smaller tablet would fit into my workflow and even suggested the larger iPad would be better. I was wrong.

I was really surprised with how much I used the iPad mini in my daily routine — more than the 10-inch iPad. There are a couple of things you have to remember with the iPad mini. First, it isn’t just a smaller iPad, but rather it feels like its own device.

Anything that is simply shrunk down or scaled up feels amateurish. The iPad mini feels like an iPad, it’s something you can have fun with and accomplish tasks on.

     *     *     *

With The New iPad, Apple Accelerates; With The iPad Mini, It’s Pedal To The Metal | TechCrunch [MG Siegler]

But how will a $329 tablet fare in a world of $199 tablets? It’s hard to know for sure, but my guess would be in the range of “quite well” to “spectacular”. Apple has done a good job of making the case that the iPad mini is not just another 7-inch tablet — in fact, it’s not a 7-inch tablet at all. It’s a 7.9-inch tablet — a subtle, but important difference. As a result, it can utilize every iOS app already in existence. And it can access the entire iTunes ecosystem. And it will be sold in Apple Stores.

Apple isn’t looking at this as $329 versus $199. They’re looking at this as an impossibly small iPad 2 sold at the most affordable price for an iPad yet. In other words, they’re not looking at the tablet competition. This isn’t a tablet. It’s an iPad. People love these things.

     *     *     *

Sizing Up the New iPad Mini | [Walt Mossberg]

Presenting the Nook HD, iPad Mini and Windows Phone 8 — Review | [David Pogue]

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