
AOL (“Aol.”) buys gdgt

Posted in 企業買収 by shiro on 2013年2月14日


AOL adds gdgt to its Have-list! | gdgt blog

Allow me to reintroduce myself | Engadget

AOL Confirms gdgt Acquisition, Quests For tch Domination | TechCrunch

AOL (“Aol.”) buys gdgt |

Ryan Block was Engadget’s long-standing editor-in-chief. AOL bought Engadget, along with a bunch of other big tech blogs, and made most of the talented people miserable until they all left (one of AOL’s core competencies). After Ryan left, he started gdgt.

Now, AOL bought gdgt and Ryan is back at AOL. His new job appears to be to tell AOL how to design a modern gadget blog because they’ve been doing it wrong.

Maybe it’ll work out better this time.

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AOL In Talks To Buy Gdgt, The Consumer Electronics Review Site Started By Former Engadget Founders

Posted in 企業買収 by shiro on 2013年2月5日
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Apple iPad mini review – gdgt

Posted in アップル, タブレット, レビュー by shiro on 2012年11月21日

Apple iPad mini review | gdgt


我々は気に入った:gdgt | maclalala2

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