
And If It Is A New Chip…

Posted in アップル, 予測 by shiro on 2013年2月2日

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Slightly smaller Apple TV model revealed by FCC documents |

But remember, this runs low-end iOS hardware. The second-gen ran an A4 SOC and the third-gen runs a single-core-binned A5. My guess: the new model will be a low-volume prototype for a new, cheaper SOC (or cheaper manufacturing process on an existing one) to be used later in iOS devices, much like the iPad2,4 was a prototype for 32nm HKMG manufacturing later used in much higher volume with the A6 and A6X.

FCC filing reveals Apple TV model A1469 with slightly smaller dimensions (update: new antenna, CPU too?) | Engadget

About That “Smaller” Apple TV… | ParisLemon

Slightly Smaller Apple TV 3,2 (A1469) Contains A5X SoC, BCM4334 Combo | AnandTech

Update: I should note that S5L8945 is the original 45nm Samsung produced A5X, S5L8947 is the A5XR2 that is in this unannounced Apple TV. Note that previously the A5 underwent a similar plus 2 offset, from S5L8940 (A5) to S5L8942 (A5R2) which changed process geometry from 45nm to 32nm HK-MG at Samsung. It’s possible we’re also looking at a process node change with the A5X to A5XR2 here.

More on that new Apple TV’s likely SOC |

I’ll bet someone a sandwich that a Retina iPad Mini comes out this fall or earlier, and uses a process-shrunk A5X.

And If It Is A New Chip… | ParisLemon