
アップルも AdMob 買収に関心を持っていた?

Posted in アップル, グーグル, 広告 by shiro on 2009年11月17日


Apple Considered Purchasing AdMob? | Mac Rumors

AdMob Said to Talk With Apple Before Google’s $750 Million Deal |
〈グーグルに買収される前に AdMob はアップルとも話をしていた〉

Why Apple Considered Buying AdMob (AAPL, GOOG) | Silicon Alley Insider
〈なぜアップルは AdMob の買収を検討していたのか〉

Apple met with AdMob about a month ago, according to a source briefed on the situation. We first noted these talks last week, when we covered Google’s announcement that it had purchased AdMob. Bloomberg ran a similar story over the weekend, noting that “Apple contacted AdMob a few weeks before Google made its bid.” […]

That’s not something it’s ever been able to do, except recently in its retail stores. So it seems that Apple’s interests in mobile advertising are about technology — at least, at first. We understand that Apple is interested in purchasing intellectual property, products, and people — and less the idea that it’s already purchasing an already-functional ad network.

iPhoneで成功した携帯広告のアドモブを アップルではなくグーグルが買収する理由 | ダイヤモンド・オンライン


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iPhone と Android の広告は AdMob でいただき

Posted in グーグル, 広告 by shiro on 2009年11月10日

Droid にグーグルが異例の広告作戦

Posted in グーグル, 広告 by shiro on 2009年11月8日


The Droid Gets Real Estate | Advertising Age
〈ホームページの一部まで割いて Droid を広告〉

Google Promoting the Droid on Homepage | Daring Fireball

Because the homepage is almost always ad-free, and space there is not for sale, I would call it the most valuable ad space on the entire Internet.

Google goes slightly crazy for the Droid, puts text ad on homepage | Google Android Blog
〈ホームページに Droid のテキスト広告まで載せたグーグルはいささか熱の入れすぎ?〉

Google Pushes Droid With Rare Ad On Homepage | TechCrunch
〈グーグルが異例の Droid 広告〉

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Posted in 広告 by shiro on 2009年11月8日

Cleaning Up the Clutter Online |
〈チカチカするうざい広告はイヤと David Pogue〉

Second, and more important, I don’t think advertisers should be blinking, animating and distracting in the first place. If I’m interested in the product, I’ll read the ad. But trying to pull my focus as I’m trying to read crosses some kind of line.
You know what? I would never click any ad that blinks or animates in the first place. It’s obnoxious and juvenile, and I’m not about to reward them.

People in Blinking, Animated Glass Houses | Daring Fireball

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