
WWDC 2014 セッションビデオの公開

Posted in その他 by shiro on 2014年6月10日

How Americans Die

Posted in その他 by shiro on 2014年4月18日
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You Can Take Selfies of Your Aorta With This Mini Camera

Posted in その他 by shiro on 2014年3月20日

Q&A: Line Executive on WhatsApp and the Power of Messaging

Posted in その他 by shiro on 2014年2月23日

The Internet’s best hope for a Do Not Track standard is falling apart. Here’s why.

Posted in その他 by shiro on 2013年10月13日


Posted in その他, 下取り, 中古マック by shiro on 2013年6月19日
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Leaping to Conclusions on a Pilot’s Speculation

Posted in その他 by shiro on 2013年5月16日


Leaping to Conclusions on a Pilot’s Speculation |

An article on the Bloomberg News Web site on Wednesday noted an airline pilot’s claim that an iPhone could interfere with a plane’s compasses during takeoff and landing.

But the report cited in the article isn’t based on scientific research. It was merely one pilot’s speculation.

Turning Off IPhone Critical to Pilots Citing Interference | Bloomberg

Apple in India: a lost opportunity?

Posted in その他, アップル, インド by shiro on 2013年2月28日


Apple in India: a lost opportunity? | GigaOM


Apple is enamored with China — and rightfully so. However, in not paying attention to India, it has allowed world’s second-largest mobile market to become a mostly Android phenomenon, leaving upper end of the market to Samsung. Wrong strategy, if you ask me.

Apple Acts to Crack India Market for iPhone |

India still erects hurdles. Apple hasn’t been able to open its trademark stores because of requirements that foreign retailers purchase 30% of the value of India sales from domestic suppliers—unmanageable in a country with virtually no electronics manufacturing.

Why There Are No Apple Stores In India | ParisLemon

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Buy High, Sell Low – The Talk Show

Posted in その他, アップル, ポッドキャスト, 株価 by shiro on 2013年1月26日


Buy High, Sell Low – The Talk Show | Mule Radio Syndicate

Special guest Marco Arment joins John Gruber to talk about Apple’s quarterly earnings and resulting stock price dive, Marco’s new car podcast, and the original cocktail, the Old-Fashioned.

The Talk Show: Buy High, Sell Low |

I’m Bored. What’s Next?

Posted in その他 by shiro on 2013年1月1日


I’m Bored. What’s Next? | TechCrunch

It’s just about 2013 and I gotta say, I’m a little bored.

We live in an age where we expect and experience exponential change in tech. Where common everyday items were just fantasies (or unimagined) decades ago. Let’s speed things up, people. I’m bored.

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